
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth: Summary

Hema and Kaushik had an affair they meet in Italy after having a two long decades. Hema, now a college professor, who is upset about her previous affair with a married man and plans to settle down by marrying someone she barely knows. Kaushik, a world traveling, successful photojournalist, is preparing to accept a desk job in Hong Kong. In spite of all that, they find their deep connection irresistible and must reckon it with the lives they have chosen to lead. Her parents introduce Navin to Hema and they had an arrange marriage.She thought that Julian was going to leave his wife, to be with her so she agreed to marry Julian. She decide not to marry Navin because she concerned it to be and arrange not a marriage and she said that nerving was He decide not to leave his wife so Hema decide to marry Navin. She had just know Navin for only three weeks before she decide to marry him. The parent did not know about Julian it was and surprise to them because they thought is was single becaus e she was shy, she had devoted all her time to her studies to be bothered with a men.Her mother asked hema on her thirty-fifth birthdays, if she had preferred women. They had never heard about Julian and about them having an affair with him for two half years they had no idea about him, never mind that he was an married man. When she was in Rome, she communicated with Navin by E-mail or she talked with him a few times on the phone the conversation got heavy. They also talked about their honeymoon in Goa. Hema did not miss him but she looked forward to Calcutta to marry him and returning with him on the plane, and on time for her to resume teaching at Wellesley.

Using teaching styles to make positive contributions in physical education

The usage of appropriate instruction manners makes an of import part to kids ‘s acquisition in physical instruction. Different instruction manners affect many facets of instruction and acquisition, including the acquisition environment and the instructor ‘s ability to run into single demands. As physical instruction has a broad spectrum of aims harmonizing to Macfayden & A ; Bailey ( 2002 ) instructors should utilize a broad assortment of learning manners to guarantee that students achieve the broad assortment of techniques and accomplishments that physical instruction has to offer. This survey will see the assorted definitions associated with the subject and pay specific attending to the spectrum of learning manners proposed by Mosston & A ; Ashworth ( 1986 ) . The survey will so specifically concentrate on usage of the productive and generative manners by analyzing my ain experience against findings from literature. The model for learning manners and behaviors came from work by Mosston ( 1966 ) . The thoughts that Mosston proposed hold changed and adapted since the first publication of the model. The interaction between instructor and pupil has been developed since his initial publication ( Mosston & A ; Ashworth, 1986 ) and have provided a model where the determinations are the chief component and the relationship between the instructor and the scholar has in doing those determinations. So influential was it that the work by Nixon & A ; Locke ( 1973 ) described it as â€Å" the most important progress in the theory of physical instruction teaching method in recent history † . A instruction manner is concerned with how an activity is delivered, instead than what is delivered, ( Macfadyen & A ; Bailey, 2002 ) . Research conducted by Siendentop ( 1991 ) has besides suggested that â€Å" a instruction manner is typified by the instructional and managerial clime that exists during the lesson which can be observed in the chief that the instructor interacts with the students and in some instances if there is an interaction at all † . The Spectrum incorporates 10 landmark manners based on the grade to which the instructor or the pupil assumes duty for what happens in a lesson. This describes a continuum, where at one extreme is the direct, teacher-led attack and at the other lies a much more open-ended and student-centred manner where the instructor acts merely in a facilitator function.Generative Teaching Manners:The generative or direct bunch includes the bid, pattern, mutual, self cheque and inclusion instruction manners ( Mosston & A ; Ashworth, 2002 ) . Direct manners of learning require the scholar to reproduce known stuff or cognition by retroflexing a specific theoretical account. This frequently involves capable affair associating to concrete facts, regulations or specific skills/movements ( Rink, 2002 ) . In order for students to animate specific accomplishments Derri & A ; Pachta ( 2007 ) identified that â€Å" scholars must foremost be provided with a right proficient theoretical account to emulate, sufficient clip to pattern the theoretical account and effectual feedback related to the original theoretical account † , with the right proficient theoretical account frequently being shown by the instructor. Research conducted by Pieron ( 1998 ) supports the usage of the bid learning manner as the writer argues that copying the most efficient manner ( that of the instructors presentation ) is extremely profitable. It is seen as more profitable because it saves clip as the instructor has the overall duty for rectifying mistakes and it ensures that students receive accurate feedback. The research conducted by Salvara et Al ( 2006 ) highlighted that â€Å" the direct instruction manners specifically the bid manner has been shown to hold a positive impact on category control and motor public presentation † . Within my instruction I have found that utilizing this manner of learning to be the most effectual for category control particularly when the category has a big figure of students and when the category requires a batch of behaviour direction schemes used to command to the category. However Pellett & A ; Blakemore ( 1997 ) conducted a survey of undertaking presentation and content public presentation of four instructors who all had difference degrees of experience and found that pupils taught by an experient instructor were more effectual at executing the accomplishments when compared to being taught by a instructor of small experience. My experience whilst on instructor preparation has besides supported these findings as I was able to show the undertakings more clearly to pupils when I had more experience in that peculiar activity. I was besides able to distinguish the undertaking to a higher degree with activities that I was familiar with as I had more thoughts and experience to pull upon, whereas with activities I had small experience of I found it more ambitious to be originative and come on the students. This has resulted in me taking actions towards seeking to better capable cognition in countries of the course of study where my experience is missing or deficient. Research conducted by Griffey ( 1983 ) has found that when practising accomplishments pupils of lower ability benefited more from the bid manner of learning as they had small old experience to pull from. This is something that I have besides noticed, when learning lower ability groups it is more good to give the direction or presentation of undertaking to salvage clip and when working with higher ability students leting the more able students to show the accomplishment to increase pupil motive. These findings have non been supported by Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1990 ) who found that under circuit preparation conditions the lower ability students seemed to profit more from the chance to do determinations about clip spent practising at each station. However within this survey the pattern manner of instruction has besides bee n examined. Harmonizing to Byra ( 2000 ) â€Å" in the pattern manner of learning the scholars work at their ain gait and complete instructor designed undertakings in the order they choose, the category is organised around Stationss and the instructor provides single feedback to the scholars † . The most effectual type of pattern manner of learning I have used whilst on learning experience was the usage of circuit preparation as I chose the activities/skills/tasks to be practiced at each station and the students chose the strength to which they performed as each station. In a survey by Beckett ( 1991 ) on college age pupils the pattern manner has proved to be really effectual in advancing motor accomplishment alterations. From my experience of utilizing this manner I discovered that it was non peculiarly utile at advancing larning when there was limited clip or big groups as different ability students will come on at different times and take longer with certain accomplishments. However th e ages of students should be taken into consideration as my experience is from working with students aged 11-16 who because they are more susceptible to development in motor accomplishments than college aged pupils. This may explicate why Beckett did non detect any alterations in motor accomplishments as the topic in his survey may hold already to the full developed. My experience has besides been identified and supported by Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1986 ) & A ; Goldberger et Al ( 1982 ) . However I did happen this manner of learning utile during a wellness and fittingness unit of work where the sum of accomplishment acquisition was minimum and the chief focal point on the lesson was for students to be active utilizing circuit preparation and the acquisition was aimed at students being introduced to new cognition or deriving a farther apprehension of current cognition on different types of exercisings instead than developing accomplishments. The mutual manner has besides been examined by Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1986 ) & A ; Goldberger et Al ( 1982 ) . These research workers identified that in this manner the scholars work in braces to accomplish the results. The instructor ‘s ability to give effectual instruction/information is of import when utilizing this manner as when one scholar performs the other observes and gives feedback to the performing artist particular to the direction that the instructor gives at the start of the undertaking and when the performing artist completes the undertaking the scholars switch functions. From my experience the most effectual ways of giving direction are in the signifier of a presentation or a criteria sheet, I besides found that presentations are really effectual when showing accomplishments that I can demo high degrees of competency. In add-on to improved skill public presentation Goldberger ( 1992 ) besides found that â€Å" scholars in the mutual manner provided more feed back, expressed more empathy, offered more congratulations and encouragement and requested more feedback from each other when compared to a control group † . However from my experience of this manner the coupling of students is of import as if you pair students of different degrees the feedback would either be to complex or excessively simple therefore impacting the sum of acquisition and skill public presentation. Besides when working with pupils/groups where behaviour direction is an issue it is more good for the instructor to partner off the students harmonizing to ability instead than allowing students pick their spouse as this tends to take to the students picking friends and being distracted and traveling off undertaking. I have besides found that the manner in which you give the direction besides can hold an consequence on the lesson as undertaking sheets frequently do n't work with groups where behaviour direction is an issue as they do non react good to the resource a nd see it as something to mess about with instead than an educational tool. Byra & A ; Marks ( 1993 ) conducted a survey which focuses on the mutual manner and the effects that different couplings had on students battle. This survey highlighted students who were identified as friends gave more effectual and specific feedback due to their comfort degrees being higher as they were working with a friend. The writers besides found that grouping by ability had no consequence on the sum of feedback given or the comfort degree which is in understanding with my ain personal experiences. This surveies findings suggests that student working with friends is good nevertheless this survey does non take into history the behavior of the group which I have experienced can be a major lending fact when partner offing students. I have experienced when leting students to work in friendship braces can sometimes be damaging when they feel the undertaking is non honoring or good as they distract each other and sometimes do n't finish the undertaking. I have found that to partner off students with friends is good merely when you have built a resonance with the students and are cognizant of how they react working with friends. My experience of this manner is that it is besides good to utilize when measuring students supplying they are cognizant of the rating standards they can have more feedback therefore bettering public presentation when compared to other direct instruction manners. In support of this Cox ( 1986 ) found that when comparing the mutual manner against the bid and pattern manners that the sum of accomplishment motions was really similar which was surprising as the mutual manner involves a batch more feedback. It was besides found that three times the figure of feedback statements were offered to performing artists utilizing the mutual manner ensuing in higher accomplishments and cognition additions along with the development of societal relationship accomplishments. Harmonizing to Byra & A ; Jenkins ( 1998 ) within the inclusion manner of learning scholars choose the degree of trouble within a undertaking and measure their ain accomplishment public presentation. With this in head the benefits of the inclusion manner are that it provides students with the chance to prosecute in activity that is to their appropriate skill/knowledge degree potentially increasing inclusion and battle. My experience of utilizing this manner of instruction is that I have attempted to include it in all of my lessons as guaranting all students are included is indispensable to any lesson. However when leting students to decided which skill degree they work at frequently resulted in students taking a degree that is non appropriate whether that be to simple or excessively complex. This goes against the spectrum theory which suggests that â€Å" the status provided by the inclusion manner should advance success for all scholars † ( Mosston & A ; Ashworth, 1994 ) . The findings of Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1986 ) & A ; Goldberger et Al ( 1982 ) has supported my experience and observed that the bulk of scholars made inappropriate and uneffective determinations for their accomplishment degree by taking degrees that were excessively complex for them to make success or the aims even when encouraged or prompted by the instructor. From this I have learned to put boundaries for those students that make the undertaking to hard so for illustration when throwing and catching puting a maximal or minimal distance they can throw the ball. My experience has besides taught me that this manner is most effectual when used with older students as they have a better ego construct of their ain ability and are less susceptible to peer force per unit area this was besides observed by Beckett ( 1991 ) . In survey of college aged pupils Beckett ( 1991 ) found that the inclusion manner to be every bit effectual as the pattern manner for scholar accomplishment public pre sentation when larning motor accomplishments. These happening do non back up the decisions of Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1986 ) & A ; Goldberger et Al ( 1982 ) and it was suggested that the difference in pupils ages as a contributing factor which supports my experience. My experience of the Inclusion manner has besides highlighted the importance of planning and appraisal for the lesson as I have already identified that students sometimes do n't do the right determinations. Therefore as a consequence of this I found it good to measure the students who set boundaries and ends that may be above or below their degree and students who do non work good together and so be after a scheme into the following lesson to guarantee that those students remain focussed and on undertaking.Productive Teaching Manners:When compared to the generative instruction manner the productive bunch of Mosston & A ; Ashworth ( 1994 ) spectrum of learning manners has small background research. The productive bunch requires the scholar to bring forth new cognition, from my experience the instructor needs a high degree of understanding and creativeness to make or plan scenarios. Harmonizing to Byra ( 2000 ) â€Å" within the productive manners of learning students should prosecute in cognitive operations like job resolution, originative thought, contriving and critical thought to detect new motions † . It is the duty of the instructor to supply clip for cognitive processing hence at that place needs to be a category clime focused on seeking and analyzing and feedback for bring forthing different solutions instead than the same generic response ( Mosston & A ; Ashworth, 2002 ) . Harmonizing to Mosston & A ; Ashworth ( 1986 ) â€Å" six instruction manners have been identified in the productive bunch they are guided find and convergent find which both require convergent thought from the scholars and divergent production, single plan scholar design, scholar initiated and self learning which require divergent thought from scholars † . The bulk of the research in this country has studied the effects of the divergent find, convergent find and guided find. In a survey by Cleland & A ; Gallahue ( 1993 ) divergent motion forms were observed to set up baseline information and to analyze the different factors that contribute to a kid ‘s production of divergent motion. The findings highlighted that scholars could modify, follow and unite cardinal motion forms to bring forth divergent motion. In a farther survey Cleland ( 1994 ) compared the divergent find manner against the bid manner and a no direction control group to analyze the scholars ability to brin g forth divergent motion. The findings of this survey were that pupils generated a greater figure of divergent motions under the divergent find status. The research worker concluded that using critical thought in the signifier of the divergent find manner positively effects scholars ability to bring forth a higher measure of divergent motion forms. My experience of utilizing this instruction manner is that the students age/maturity and experience degrees are major lending factors as scholars with low degrees of experience have limited capable cognition to pull from therefore impacting their ability to modify current skills/movement my experience has besides been supported by the findings of Cleland & A ; Gallahue ( 1993 ) . As the old research suggests a pupils ability to believe critically is of import within the productive bunch of learning manners, wish this in head Cleland & A ; Pearse ( 1995 ) conducted a survey which examined the methods that physical instruction instructors use to guarantee that students use critical thought. Critical thought has been defined by McBride ( 1992 ) as â€Å" brooding thought is used to do sensible determinations about motion undertakings or challenges † ( page 115 ) . This surveies conclusion lucifer with my experience which was that this manner was most effectual when using the pattern manner of learning to give instruction/deliver the topic cognition so following guided find and convergent find to let the students to believe critically. The survey besides highlighted that â€Å" the more experient instructors were able to make a more effectual environment for the students to utilize originative thought accomplishments † McBride ( 1992 ) . From my experience I have besides been able to hold with these findings as I felt more comfy making an environment that was contributing to creative thought when learning a topic I had more experience in as I was able to give more effectual feedback. The research presented to this point has seemed to favor the usage of the productive instruction manners particularly when making cognitive acquisition nevertheless there is conflicting research presented by Salter & A ; Graham ( 1985 ) . Salter & A ; Graham ( 1985 ) examined the effects of the bid manner, guided find manner and no direction on scholars skill larning, cognitive acquisition and accomplishment efforts. The consequences showed that although their was grounds that larning occurred utilizing all three manners the students in the guided find and bid manner recorded significantly better cognitive acquisition compared to no direction. For accomplishment efforts nevertheless scholars in the no direction manner made significantly more efforts at the undertaking than scholars in the other manners. The research workers went onto recommend that a longer pattern clip than 20 proceedingss may hold resulted in the guided find holding more skill acquisition, cognitive acquisition and accomplishment efforts as this manner requires longer pattern clip for the full benefits to be witnessed. From my ain experience this is something which I have besides observed as students respond better when they have longer periods of clip to experiment different accomplishment motions. My experience has besides taught me that to increase the pattern clip requires effectual direction bringing which has besides been identified by Cleland & A ; Pearse ( 1995 ) .Decision:In decision several research inquiries have been answered about the generative manners of instruction ; what the effects of the generative manners have on acquisition, how scholars of different ability degree are influenced by different manners, what consequence couplings have on students ability to give effectual feedback, what factors influence scholars determination devising and what consequence the different manners have on scholars ability to larn new cognition. The findings from the productive manner are ; can learners employ critical thought, what is the consequence of productive manners on scholars ability to bring forth divergent motion and how can teachers advance critical thought. The sum of research that is available for the productive manners of learning in limited when compared to the comprehensiveness of research surveies on the generative instruction manners. However, a survey by Cothran et Al. ( 2000 ) has identify that instructors reported utilizing a assortment of manner in their lessons yet merely one productive manner was in the top five manners used. Although it is promoting that instructors report utilizing a assortment these consequences must be interpreted as it suggests that instructors over estimate the assortment of learning manners used therefore impacting the sum of research there is available in relation to the productive manners of learning. Research conducted by Goldberger ( 1992 ) has identified that the ground that may stay unconvinced or unsure of the manners use is because of the deficiency of collateral research on those manners. Therefore farther research is needed into the productive manners of learning to supply instructors with a cognition base on how these manners can be effectual at advancing acquisition.Recommendations:These findings have provided an initial penetration into the usage of learning manners across a theoretically linked spectrum. One noticeable exclusion was that there is struggle within the research findings and non all research workers reported the same findings which identifies that there a re a important sum of variables related to spectrum research and that the variable that is being focused on should be decently investigated by utilizing the right research method. Spectrum research needs to go on as non all findings sing premises associated to the spectrum have non been supported. However, some premises have been confirmed within this survey for illustration the mutual manner does in fact facilitate the proviso of feedback, more so than any another manner and holding scholars chose their spouses based on friendly relationships helps better societal accomplishments ( Byra & A ; Marks, 1993 ) . Other premises like, the ego cheque and inclusion manners are the most effectual at advancing cognitive development and the inclusion manner is most effectual at bettering engagement of low, medium and high ability scholars still needs to be examined. Replication surveies besides need to be conducted in different environments as the research findings and my experience would pro pose that the mutual manner is an effectual manner at advancing feedback. However, would it be as effectual at easing larning with different aged students in different schools where behavior direction has a far greater accent in lessons. After reexamining the appropriate relevant literature and reflecting on my ain personal experiences I feel that the usage of appropriate instruction manners makes an of import part to pupils ‘ larning in Physical Education and should non be left to opportunity. Physical Education can supply students with the chance to believe critically, job solve and to better ain acquisition. Students will be able to believe about what they are making and do determinations independently and cognize when to utilize rules such as stage dancing, games schemes and job resolution. If students are to entree the full National Curriculum for Physical Education ( NCPE ) ( DfEE/QCA, 1999 ) and to accomplish the results of high quality Physical Education ( QCA/DfES, 2005 ) , instructors must use a assortment of appropriate instruction manners to ease the chances that Physical Education offers. It is because of this that both generative and productive instruction manners should be used to heighten acquis ition and motive.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Domestic Violence Essay

There are many theories out there that try to explain why domestic violence happens. Some like family violence theory say that it is passed down through the family because basically what you see is what you will do. Others say it’s a chemical imbalance or its based on other things. I believe that it is a little bit of all of the theories but the Culture of Violence Theory is playing a huge role today in helping shape our young children’s minds as to what is now acceptable. During this assignment we will look at four different types of examples of how the Culture of Violence Theory is doing just that. Culture of Violence theory claims that violence occurs at all levels of society and is looked at as a means to resolve a conflict. Violence and force are acceptable and are used even in family disputes. Theories believe that in order to stop a man from beating or hitting a woman then you have to change the way he believes or relies on violence being a means to solve all his problems. I also believe that our culture as a whole is violence driven. As a soldier in the United States Army, I deploy to combat areas and I have meet other new recruits who basically wanted to join the military for that reason. So then the question is why in the world would you want to do something just for the violence? Well we can look no further then what is the main culprit to me and that is the Mass Media. The Mass Media today is the main reason why our culture is so violence driven. First I am going to start off on the news media and movies that are being viewed by our children and young adults. The news media always seems to project negative things. You rarely hear anything about a city not having an violent acts being placed over the news. Instead you turn the news on and your going to see how a father came home and found his wife cheating on him so he beat her to death, then killed all his children before turning his gun on himself. The news always reports the violent acts so that’s what our culture is getting use to see. When we look at the type of movies being depicted that display acts of violence in a family household we look at the movie Precious. This movie won the actress a Grammy Award but in this movie your watching a girl being physically, verbally and sexually abused at home. The only time she was safe was at school. What does this type of information teach? It could teach a positive message but I believe that in reality all it did was downgrade women and especially African American women. Movies and the News aren’t the only means to project violence within our culture. The controversial video game by rock star called Grand Theft Auto has been sparking debates across the nation for years. This is one of the best selling franchises in the video game industry but the message in this top playing videogame for our youth in particular teens is violence. This game depicts family violence, drug selling, murder, extortion, robbery, theft, grand theft auto and many more violent crimes. This game really belittles women I feel because they always use derogatory language towards them. This game always shows â€Å"pimps† and ho’s† and the pimp is always beating on the women. This sends a message that our society is fine with this type of behavior since we generate it for our amusement and entertainment. I am one of those who is at fault by playing this type of games but I do understand that this is not appropriate for our youth because they are still learning and trying to understand what is the wrong and right way to act in society and this doesn’t help them in any way. Our society today is all about technology. Everyone has an internet capable phone and the internet is streaming videos constantly. With that being sad a lot of youth and teens are able to watch music videos either through their phone, laptop or on the television. The new hit song titled â€Å"Try† by Pink depicts two lovers basically having an all-out brawl with each other. They are pulling hair, breaking glasses, hitting each other. This music video shows our youth domestic violence but shows it as a poetry in motion or as just two people really in love with each other so even though they are hurting each other its ok as long as they continue to work it out and try again. So is the message here teaching our society to not harm each other? It doesn’t look that way to me and if this keeps up then we will continue to see the numbers as high as they are. All of the different examples I gave show you how our culture became so violence oriented. From the News stations to the Movies in the theaters to the videogames we buy our children and the music they listen to. What children hear and see is exactly what they will do so yes I believe Family Violence Theory plays a role in my paper but the Cultural Violence Theory is by far the most destructive force we have and we can only blame ourselves. Reference: CJ333 Chapter 3, Research and Theory on Family Violence Video Game Study Reinforces Negative Impact on Youth, Jennifer Leclaire, 4/10/06 Pink gets physical and aggressive in â€Å"Try† music video, Lucas Villa, October 10 2012

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Synthetic Higher Learning with Three Branches Research Paper

Synthetic Higher Learning with Three Branches - Research Paper Example It was the only one offering graduate training in public administration, urban planning, and architecture among others. In addition, special health schools such as pharmacy, dental, physical therapy were also located on this campus. Its management process has experienced a lot of issues. To begin with, managing university budget had been a great area of contention between the involved bodies. Tension began growing between Owens, the university system and the higher education commission on this effect and consequently, the Board of Regents increased tuition fees by 28%. On the other hand, the state cut its appropriations. While Owens believed in independent university governance, he made a serious campaign for Referendum C that led to the suspension of Tabor restrictions and later, a state legislation that restricted any tuition increases to not more than 2.8 percent. However, more recommendations were made to other sectors of the university system whereby propositions ensured that se gments such as the transport system and healthcare got more appropriations. This left an implication of a collaborative approach to budget management (Dale, 2008). Arrival on financial management decisions on the board has not been spontaneous but rather evolving. For instance, TABOR, amended in 2000 and followed by a veto in 2003 made it difficult for the system to manage its own funds and thus budget. There was the imposition of expenditure limits, abilities to expand and any appropriate tax refunds when there was a necessity for such arising from financial surplus. However, the twenty-third amendment in 2003 under bill SB 264, the university system was exempted from TABOR and thus brought about greater flexibility in the financial management process. While discussing these issues, it is important to incorporate each of them into the appropriate discussion as done below. Planning Policy drawing within the institution is one of the most complex processes since it entails creating a foundation for the management process and thus a good ground for planning. Policies have largely been delegated as a duty to the Board of Regents, the president, and the state legislature. While the mandate of the president and the state legislation are limited to observation of implementation of policies, a direct influence from these two can have an equal impact on the creation of new policies. This is evident when Owens drew a policy that accentuated on efficiency and productivity within the institution. Thus the structure of planning is divided into layers. Implementation of these policies is executed within the institution. In this regard, the president, who is an internal element to the institution, becomes solely responsible for implementation of policies drawn by the Board of Regents (Daft, 2010). However, policies by the Board are limited in some aspects. For instance, the board can not have a sole authority to handle cases of financial uproars. In one scenario, happening in 2001, the Board of Regents had to be backed up by the joint budget committee, a state body, and the university system in order to raise influential concern on several issues such as continual increases of tuition fees, the rigidity of the system and state appropriations to higher education.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pakistan humanitarian needs (Solar energy and Clean water plants) Assignment

Pakistan humanitarian needs (Solar energy and Clean water plants) - Assignment Example There is clear evidence that Islamists are part of political system following the election of Rehman as the leader of opposition. Tribalism is evident by the number of killings in areas occupied by different tribes like Uzbeks and Chechens. Ethno-nationalism is also evident when militants destroyed energy producing station in Balochistan (Gladstone, 120). The author has a number of claims regarding Pakistan as a weak country due to various reasons including failure to protect its citizens. The author has substantial evidences to support the claims derived from undesirable acts from different groups posing threats to the country. After the analysis of the claims, I have effectively understood the humanitarian needs of the Pakistan people. The cruel acts of militants evident after destruction of Kari-Dor Bridge and Sui gas plants have greatly contributed to answering of the research question. This has given me clear insight of the question. The need for clean water plants and the solar energy to improve the well being of the citizens can be derived

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Individual Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Individual Report - Essay Example †¦..8 4.2 PEST Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..8 Political Factors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 Economic Factors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.9 Social Factors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 Technological Factors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..9 5. Solutions and Recommendations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 6. Forecasts and Outcomes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 7. Reference List†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 8. Glossary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 1. ... More questioning of authority and challenging of the organization system, whether public or private, have been observed. The work force is becoming outspoken, articulate and less willing to be dictated to and driven without their involvement and control. The aim of the essay is to proffer management issues in the Philippines, as representative of an Asian culture, and compare it with other prominent management practices in the West. The discourse would be presented with reference to culture theories such as those of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions to solve management problems for a client. 2. Terms of Reference As a group of professionals with diverse cultural orientations, the task given is to prepare a briefing paper to a client in solving management problems in an organization in the Philippines. Our group is composed of one man from Kuwait, one lady from Nigeria, two men from India, and one man from Pakistan. The client is a British national tasked in managing a global orga nization in the Philippines. He is particularly interested in determining management practices in the Philippines, as well as cultural orientation (values, preferences, religion) that influences the way people work in an organization. The cultural orientation of a nation significantly reflects the intricate interaction of attitudes, values, behavior and perceptions manifested by the local population. Using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, the client is requiring an assessment of each cultural dimension as it pertains to management practices in the Philippines, as compared to other management practices in organizations in the West. The information gathered would be used to assist the client in applying the appropriate management and leadership style needed to solicit the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Current Macroeconomic Situation in the U.S Research Paper

Current Macroeconomic Situation in the U.S - Research Paper Example This paper is one of the best examples of the thorough analysis of the macroeconomic situation and the most pressing economic issues in the US. The 2007/08 economic downturn culminated in major socioeconomic problems all over the world. The United States was affected in a similar way like other countries globally. The economic recession of 2007/08 culminated in a number of macroeconomic problems. The United States was grappling with issues of increased inflation and unemployment. The two stood at approximately 4% and 10% respectively. The increased administration cost has been blamed for the challenge. The ministry of defense has for instance been said to spend billions of dollars annually putting more pressure on the economy.. The country is still grappling with issues of increased mortgage loans which have denied citizens an opportunity to own houses. However, the gross domestic product (GDP) has remained fairly stable despite changes in the economy. Two main monetary policies will be used to address the issues of unemployment and inflation. The expansionary and contractionary monetary policies are used in the mitigation of unemployment and inflation respectively. Apart from monetary policies, fiscal policies may be used as well. This mostly refers to the government’s revenue collection and spending which latter affect the economy. For instance, increased inflation would force the government to apply the contractionary fiscal policies. Under this, the spending of the government would be under check

Sunday, August 25, 2019

2-1-3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

2-1-3 - Essay Example heightened awareness of environmental problems such as climate change and the extreme dependence on economically unreliable supply of fossil fuels and their dwindling reserves. The European Union (EU) has been at the forefront of attempting to gradually adapt the concept of environmental sustainability. EU’s current target is to be able to supply 20% of its energy requirements through renewable energy by 2020 (European Commission 2010). EU’s gradual adoption of renewable energy as a significant resource as part of its total energy supply is an attempt to secure a long term supply of energy for its residents while at the same time reducing the negative effects of energy use on the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the primary cause of greenhouse emissions. Not only that, there is a finite supply of fossil fuels reserves which are being consumed at an accelerating rate. The fact that fossil fuels are the primary energy resource and provide the feedstock for almost all of the manufacturing industry at some stage of production calls for a need for the conservation of these resources and the search for alternates. The environmentally sustainable nature of renewable energy is inherently more economically stable and therefore will remain more affordable in the future compared to the unreliable and volatile fossil fuel market. One of the renewable energy initiatives the EU is promoting is the use of biofuels. A biofuel is any fuel that is obtained from a renewable biological resource, such as wood or as in the case of EU’s new and largest biofuel refinery situated in Britain, wheat. The biofuel energy model works on the principal that plants not only provide a renewable source of fuel compared to finite fossil fuel reserves, they also fit into the current carbon cycle and provide us with fuel by using carbon dioxide already present in the atmosphere instead of introducing more carbon by releasing it from fossil fuels. Other

Saturday, August 24, 2019

International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International Human Resource Management - Essay Example Even the superiors are capable of misuse of power and the subordinates accept this trend silently. They focus on the individual’s capacity to leadership and initiative. Here, every individual are highly motivated about their work and hold on to their ambitions to be reached. Whereas, research showing that PD index lower amongst the elite class in Britain than amid of the working classes.  The PDI score at first seems dissimilar with the well established and historical aristocrat class system and its depicts one of the intrinsic tensions in the British culture – between the importance in birth rank on the one side and a profoundly rooted belief that where one have been borned can not be the barrier for the way far he can go. Logic of fair play they maintain that drives an idea that one should be treated in a number of way as equals. The fundamental issue addressed by Individualism this measurement is  the scale of inter-relationships in a society followed by its memb ers.  It has to do with whether people ´s self-image is defined in terms of â€Å"I† or â€Å"We†.  In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only. In Collectivist society’s people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for loyalty. China is extremely collectivist cultured, where individuals act for the sake of the group and not only for themselves. In their culture family gets the highest preference among all, dedication towards the organization is noticeably poor. Relationship with their well-wishers and the closer ones is collaborative, where as showing of dislikeness or acting neutrally for the outer people is also visible in their behavior. They give higher importance upon personal relationships and in caring of the closer ones. UK is highest among almost all the countries, preceded by only few of commonwealth countries it spawned that is, USA and Australia.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Summary and critical analysis of journal article Essay

Summary and critical analysis of journal article - Essay Example The tourists have direct contact with the tourist Guide .The tourist Guides assures those who hesitate to walk on the grave could always avoid it. In Savannah the dead were buried beyond the city limits, there the tour begins, the tourists have got chance to know about the dead people; Halloween company is good for ghost walk tour. In Savannah they have created different type of tourism where people come know the economy, geography and sociological importance." As different tourist attractions and cities increasingly compete with each other to attract tourists, the need to present the tourists with more spectacular, exotic, and titillating attractions increases."(Gotham 2002, 1737) Savannah has invested heavily into ghost tourism development and the use of murder, tragedy, and mystery as marketing tools. Ghost walk tours are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional tourism activities. These tourists companies appoint guides who take them by walk through sections of a city, telling stories of supernatural and macabre events believed to have occurred at sites along the way. According to internet information there are hundreds of tour are available both in urban and rural settings of the United States and in a variety of countries. "The Dark Tourism" with the new title doing very good business tourism where they are able to attract many people taking them to cemeteries, prisons, roman catacombs, castle dungeons, battlefields, sites of assassination, and museums that focus as the Holocaust(miles 2002; Ingles and Holmes 2003; strange and Kemp 2003).The tourists able to find out tragic aspect of history. Ghost walk tours offers firstly, it is different from the normal tourism; here the tourists have entertainment, fun and education. The tragedies are presented in a light hearted manner. Secondly it is geographically dynamic where wide number of people participates in performances without any differences culturally socially.According to Tuan Walking through the place involves sensory interaction with a location, helping to develop a more complete sense of place. It gives better experience than going by bus or car travel alone. One can explore the ever- changing nature of the urban landscape, street scene and liste ning to another's narrative. There are two type of tourism one is Enclave and heterogeneous. The former gives less space and time, it influence tourist performances through signs, imagery, rules, and actions of destination employees, locals and other tourists. In this tourists might want to explore the dark side of the tour (unseen) which is not

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Mass Media and Communication Changed Great Britain Over the Last Essay

How Mass Media and Communication Changed Great Britain Over the Last Years - Essay Example Apart from transmitting the culture of a society from one generation to another, the mass media is very important in collecting information on the various aspects of human life like health, education, environment, economics, politics, culture and social changes. They then communicate any changes in these and help in correlating the many parts of the society in regard to changes in the environment. Because of this, mass media has been able to bring lot of transformations in many societies including Great Britain, especially in the last 10 years. Media-mediated/media-enabled changes in Great Britain There has been considerable experience in relation to the value and role played by the mass media and communication systems in Great Britain in health promotion and bringing about changes in health policies. One of the best examples of this is the public smoking ban. Under this ban, no one is allowed to smoke in places that people visit to obtain various goods and services, especially enclo sed places (Bbc.co.uk. 2010 and Opsi.gov.uk. 2010). These include shopping malls, restaurants, bars, any government premise or office among others. Many people agreed with the ideas of Mrs. Hewitt â€Å"not only will we be able to protect non-smokers and the huge majority of pub workers from the harmful effects of smoke. It will also provide smokers with an environment where it's easier to give up" (BBC News 2005, par ). This bill was, therefore, used to encourage the quitting from smoking in Great Britain. Through the use of mass media approaches, organizations dealing with health matters have been able to conduct some social advocacy which has promoted personal education. According to Catford (1995), the mass media are powerful in promoting health and bringing about responsive organizational and personal changes through the promotion of health products and discouraging the use of destructive products, introducing personal health skills and, providing information and advice on hea lthy living. This, in turn, has led to significant changes in personal and group behaviors in regard to issues affecting health. They have also resulted to environmental and organizational changes. Media outlets that have been important in promoting health in Great Britain include newspapers, television, radio, leaflet, posters and books. Mass media reports about the environment have led to a number of changes in regard to the treatment of the environment. Mass communications have played an important role in communicating environmental issues. Among the hot issues in this respect include global warning and pollution. In regard to this, the mass media has provided an important link between politics and formal environmental science, and the realities of how people and their various social, economic and cultural processes experience and interact with their environment. Continually, they report of the ongoing public understanding and action or engagement on with environmental issues lik e international conferences on the environment and their resultant declarations or resolutions (Boykoff 2009). Although the mass media and communication do not determine engagement, they have greatly increased environmental awareness and valuation by the entire Great Britain society. In essence, mass media have enabled the people of Great Britain make sense of the various complexities relating to governance and environmental sci

Is Odysseus a superman Essay Example for Free

Is Odysseus a superman Essay Odysseus; the strong and brave god-like warrior in the Trojan War, who also possesses characteristics such as compassion, loyalty and talent as an orator, which makes him such a influential character within Homers novel: The Odyssey. The book, depicting the Adventures of Odysseuss misfortune, and the journey through which he must get home to reclaim his life, land and his dear wife, portrays Odysseus as the central character with the unmatchable strength and abilities. But do Odysseuss remarkable qualities classify him as a Superman, and by what means do we exactly class as a Superman? In my mind, a characteristic of Superhuman qualities is one which is that or beyond a normal humans. Therefore, we may classify Odysseuss characteristics as either of superhuman quality, or that like of a normal human beings. Odysseuss physical strength is one of his most remarkable and powerful qualities, which we come to learn of. It is because of this great strength, which allows him to throw the biggest discuss as the Phaeacian Games, hurtling it through the air where it landed far beyond the others. Book VIII The Phaeacian Games With this he leapt to his feet and, not even troubling to remove his cloak, picked up the biggest disk of all, a huge weight, more massive by far that those used in their regular matches. With one swing he launched it from his mighty hand, and the stone hummed on its course. The Phaeacians, lords of the sea and champions of the long oar, cowered down as it hurtled through the air; and so lightly did it fly from his hand that it overshot the marks of all the other throws. His strength is also what allows him to string and draw the great bow with little effort, before the great battle in the hall. Book XXI The Great Bow , he strung the Great Bow without effort or haste and with his right hand proved the string, which gave a lovely sound in answer like a swallows note. This great strength, which Odysseus possessed, was certainly beyond that of normal humans, as demonstrated in these examples and when the suitors failed to string and draw the bow as Odysseus displayed. Therefore, we may conclude that this quality is that in the nature of a Supermans as it is far greater than would normally be so. Odysseus also possessed other qualities, which were demonstrated within the novel. Apart from being the strong and powerful character, which he certainly was, he also had a softer, more timid side. Take for example the chapter in which Odysseus must talk with the ghosts of the dead in Hades. Here, Odysseus experiences panic and fright with what he must endure, as the underworld is that of a dismal and gloomy place. Book XI The Book Of The Dead From this multitude of souls, as they flustered to and fro by the trench, there came a moaning that was horrible to hear. Panic drained the blood from my cheeks. This panic and fright is certainly not of superhuman qualities, as they are stereotyped to be brave and valiant in all situations, which they might have to endure. Odysseus also experiences feelings of compassion and desire during his ventures: Book XI The Book Of The Dead Next came the souls of my dead mother, Anticleia, the daughter of the great Autoclycu, who had still been alive when Isaid farewell and sailed for sacred Ilium. My eyes filled with tears when I saw her there, and I was stirred to compassion. As my mother spoke, there came to me out of the confusion in my heart the one desire Thrice, in my eagerness to clasp her to me, I started forward with my hands outstretched. Thrice, like a shadow or a dream, she slipped through my arms and left me harrowed by an even sharper pain. As I have already mentioned, I have defined a quality that is not of superhuman nature, to be one, which is just as any normal human beings. It goes unsaid saying that normal human beings experience emotions of desire and compassion, and also that of panic and fear, from which we can infer that Odysseus also has qualities which are not like that of a Superman. From these observations and presumptions of the novel The Odyssey, I have found that Odysseus, the brave warrior who fought at Troy, and endured the callous ventures of his misfortunate voyage home, may be one of a diverse character. There is the side of him, which is the superiorly strong and brave fighter; capable of facing and conquering some of the most horrific and atrocious situations one must endure. This may be classified as a quality like that of a superhuman, one of which is that or greater than a normal humans. Then there is the softer and more emotional side, to which Odysseus demonstrates his feeling of compassion and desire, which may be noted as characteristics which are not like that of a superhuman, which I have established as like that of a normal human beings. From this we can conclude, that Odysseus, not only had qualities like that of a superman, but also possessed emotions and desires like that of a normal person.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Rehabilitation The Key In Changing Offender Behaviour Criminology Essay

Rehabilitation The Key In Changing Offender Behaviour Criminology Essay Behaviour can be explained through biological, learning or cognitive theories. This essay briefly analyses each of them in order to come to an agreement whether prison-based rehabilitation programmes should be abolished in times of financial cutbacks. Research evidence indicates that although much of our behaviour has biological roots as suggested by twin and adoption studies, it does not necessarily mean behaviour cannot be changed. Applications of cognitive and learning theories have proven that behaviour can be changed for the better. Although only certain types of rehab programs are effective in changing criminal behaviour, it nevertheless implies that behaviour is more nurture than nature. Rehabilitation: The Key in Changing Offender Behaviour In recent decades, incarceration rates (ABS) have displayed an upward trend across Australia. This, along with an increasing rate of recidivism(ABS) has contributed to a growing amount of criticism on the effectiveness of prison based rehabilitation programmes. According to Vennard, Sugg and Hedderman (1997) prison based programmes designed to rehabilitate offenders have been criticised on two main grounds. Firstly, that they over simplify the roots of offending behaviour by not considering other determinants of crime and secondly, that they are ineffective at changing criminal behaviour. This nothing works (Martinson, 1974) attitude has changed in recent years to a cautious optimism, supported by growing research that some types of intervention can be effective at reducing re-offending. It is therefore paramount that some, if not most rehabilitation programs continue to operate despite financial cutbacks. The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs depends on how criminal behaviour is acquired. Is it the result of an individuals genetic makeup that makes them a criminal or is it the environment in which they are raised that governs their behaviour? From the biological theories of behaviour to the behaviourist perspective on learning, there is one general theme of how genetic and environmental variables interact (Burton, 2009). Biological accounts of behaviour Family studies (Joseph, 2001; Raine, 2003; Schmitz, 2003) concluded that genetics can cause a tendency for criminal behaviour but they also found that an individuals personality could be, and often is, modified by the environment. Twin studies done by comparing identical twins or fraternal twins, is a type of genetic study that confirms this. Tuvblad, Eley and Lichtenstein (2005) examined 1226 pairs of twins for signs of heritability in anti-social behaviour (ASB) and found that although ASB in females were explained by genetic influences, males showed no significant mediation between aggressive behaviour and heritability. Furthermore, they found significant shared environmental effects in males. This suggests that the presence of ASB, a major factor in criminal behaviour (Joesph, 2001;Morley Hall, 2003) can be altered through environmental influences and therefore changeable through rehabilitation programs. On the other hand, adoption studies suggest that behaviour is more nature than nurture. In a review of adoption studies, Joseph (2001) found that most adoption studies concluded that adopted-away children who were born to parents with a criminal background were more likely to engage in criminal activity than adopted children whose parents had no criminal background. However Joseph (2001) also established that the majority of adoption studies found no significant role of genetics in violent crime. This suggests that there are some environmental influences on behaviour Besides heritability, certain biological chemicals are also known to influence behaviour. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is an enzyme that has been shown to be related to ASB.A study by Elliot (2000) found that low MAO activity results in a lack of control which can lead to impulsivity and aggression, and by further association, ASB. Aggressiveness and impulsivity can also be increased by the neuro-chemical serotonin. As Lowenstein (2003) states, studies point to serotonin as one of the most important central neuro-transmitters underlying the modulation of impulsive aggression. Since chemical levels can be changed through diet, by incorporating a special diet in a rehabilitation program, it can improve the chances of successfully rehabilitating an offender. Although there is a lack of recent research evidence into this possibility, several past studies (Schauss 1981;) Schoenthaler, 1983 ) suggest that it is possible to manipulate behaviour through diet. Behaviour through learning The notion that criminal behaviour is a learned behaviour has been around for a long time. Sutherland (1947) put forth the theory of differential association which postulates that criminal behaviour is learned in association with those who have criminal attitudes and values. An individual learns favourable or unfavorable definitions of the legal code and he or she learns criminal behaviour if they accumulate an excess of definitions favourable to violation of law over definitions unfavourable to violations of law (Sutherland 1947). This theory suggests that behaviour can be changed. According to the theory, individuals become criminals principally because they have been isolated from groups whose behaviour are law-abiding or because of some circumstances have made them associate themselves with criminals frequently. Therefore, if criminals are to be changed, they must become members of anti-criminal groups or their present pro-criminal group relations must be changed (Cressy, 1955). Cressey (1963) did a follow-up experiment on drug addicts by applying his principles formulated in his 1955 article on the differential association theory on a drug rehabilitation program. Sixty-six percent of the drug addicts who stayed on the program for at least three months and 86% of those who remained on the program for at least seven months did not revert back to drug use. The differential association theory is not perfect however. Burgess and Akers (1969) criticised Sutherlands theory due to its lack of attention on individualism and failure to take into account of personality traits. Using Skinners principles of operant conditioning, they further developed Sutherlands differential association theory to address these issues. They called their revision, the differential association-reinforcement theory. Burgess and Akers(1969) argue that criminal behaviour can be explained as a function of the reinforcement or punishment a person receives from the environment. In other words, behaviour that produces a reward will tend to be performed more frequently in the future, while behaviour that is followed by punishment will tend to decrease in frequency. Differential reinforcement occurs when under certain environmental conditions, one behaviour leads to greater or more frequent rewards than does another alternative behaviour. The behaviour that receives greate r reinforcement- e.g criminal behaviour-becomes dominant over the alternative behaviour, such as law-abiding behaviour. Consequently, through this process of differential reinforcement, certain environmental conditions can increase the probability of criminal acts by individuals. A study on the effects of imprisonment(punishment) and probation (reinforcement) on juvenile offenders demonstrated the effectiveness of applying the differential reinforcement theory in rehabilitation. Tsytsarev , Manger and Lodrini (2000) found that the incarcerated group had a higher likelihood of re-offending whilst the probation group had a lower likelihood of re-offending. Cognitive approach Among the range of offender programmes designed to reintegrate offenders into society, those which are increasingly favoured are those that seek to address an offenders way of thinking, reasoning and associated behaviour, otherwise known as cognitive-behavioural techniques (Vennard et al, 1997). Cognitive-behavioural techniques assume that offenders are shaped by their environment and have failed to learn certain ways of behaving (McGuire, 1995;Vannard et al, 1997). This does not mean criminal behaviour is solely attributed to individual factors. McGuire (1995) explains that it also takes into account the social conditions which affect individual development and is not in conflict with other explanations of criminal behaviour, such as the theory of differential association. Rehabilitation programmes based on this approach tend to teach offenders to confront their crime, understand why it happened and develop ways of controlling their behaviour. The success rates of these rehabilitation programs have been well documented. Feindler and Ecton (1986) (as cited in Vennard et al, 1997) developed a programme for young offenders which successfully taught them how to control anger.(example) while McDougall et al. (1987) reported significant anger reductions among inmates in young offenders institutions who had undergone an anger management programme combining cognitive procedures, specifically self-instruction and self- statements to use in situations of anger. More recently, Lipsey (2009) examined the effectiveness of various intervention programs, including rehabilitation. Of the 548 interventions analysed, he concluded that punishment or deterrence-based interventions such as boot camps actually increased recidivism. In contrast, programmes that were multi-model and had a more behavioural or skills-oriented had the most impact in reducing recidivism. In a different research review, Landenberger and Lipsey(2005) showed that progra ms based on cognitive behavioural techniques are effective with juvenile and adult criminal offenders in various criminal justice settings, including prison, residential, and parole. They found that it was even effective with high-risk behaviour such as rape. Conclusion With the current focus on punishing criminals through longer prison terms and harsher fines, rehabilitation must not be neglected as the vast amount of research literature indicates that behaviour can be changed. The financial gains from turning a criminal into a law-abiding, productive citizen far outweigh the temporary savings from abolishing rehabilitation programs. Equally important is that we continue to provide more resources to rehabilitation programs in order to better understand, and change something that is constantly evolving human behaviour. Kelvin Mui

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Family Conflict And Triangulation Analysis

Family Conflict And Triangulation Analysis The purpose of this article is to illustrate the importance of boundary setting during parental conflict. Often children are incorporated both voluntarily and involuntarily in dyadic confrontations that involve the parents. This research shows the long term and short term effects on both the parent and child psychologically and physiologically. Boundary setting is important for the growth, development and current maintenance of a family. Involving children in arguments is not only detrimental to the parents marital relationship, but also damaging to the parent-child relationship. This paper illustrates cause and effect consequences of triangulation. Family Conflict and Triangulation Familial conflict is inevitable. A multitude of quantitative and qualitative data has been accumulated in order to improve familial relationships. Numerous studies and focus groups spotlighted adolescents and their parents to find more data on triangulation and its negative effects on families. According to Franck and Buehler (2007), a triangulation study was conducted on 506 teens and their mothers. The study focused on conflict properties, cognitive appraisals of threat and blame, emotional insecurity, and triangulation to determine the possibility of a direct relationship between adolescent behavior problems, marital distress, and maternal depression (Franck and Buehler 2007). After thorough research, it was found that marital hostility and distress were associated with adolescent behavioral problems and familial stressors (Franck Buehler 2007). This paper will focus on parental and child triangulation and its effect on both the adolescent and the adult. Triangulation can be defined in a multitude of ways. Some may use the term mathematically, while others use it psychologically. Fosco and Grych (2008) broadly described the psychological term for triangulation as the involvement of a third person in a dyadic conflict. Triangulation is not possible with two people; it has to involve at least three people triangulate the conversation and ensure one or more of the parties agrees with his or her opinion. Buehler and Welsh (2009) stated that triangulation occurs when two people in a family bring a third party to dissolve stress, anxiety or tension that exists between them. Often feuding parents might involve their children in the conflict to gang up on the other parent. A more in-depth definition that better describes the target group focused on in this paper illustrates a family and child triangulation as childrens direct participation in parental disagreements and their subjective sense of feeling caught in the middle (Fosco and Grych, 2008). Due to ignorance, some parents may be unaware that they are involved in triangulation. Some statements a child might say if he or she is involved in a triangulation situation are My parents make me feel caught in the middle when they argue my mom always asks if I notice how my dad starts the fights mom and dad always ask me questions when they are in the middle of an argument after an argument with mom, dad always comes to me and explains his point of view I hate it when mom and dad involve and ask me questions when they are arguing. Parents should be more cognizant of accidentally or purposely involving children in marital disputes because it can be detrimental to the child. Efforts to better understand the impact of interparental disagreements on children have identified a number of factors that may elude to the fact that exposure to continual hostile and poorly resolved conflict can cause adjustment problems. (Fosco and Grych 2008). Behavior issues may become more frequent when boundaries are not set between parental arguments and children. According to Fosco and Grych (2008), appraisals reflect childrens opinions on parental conflict. Parental conflict can be detrimental to the childs well-being or the functioning of the family unit; therefore, the child may hold himself or herself responsible and believe that the disagreement was caused by his or her conduct. Parents who involve children in marital confrontations fail to realize how detrimental involvement can be to their child. Specifically, appraisals of threat and self-blame, emotional reactivity and distress, and triangulation into parental discrepancies each have been made known to play a key ro le in the relationship involving parental discord and child maladjustment, thereby making the child feel responsible for ending or resolving the conflict. (Fosco and Grych 2008). The effects of parental triangulation on the child can cause long term damage. According to Buehler and Welsh (2009) Parental conflict and tension are proposed to induce emotional arousal in children, triggering emotional and physiological responses. Involving children in arguments can be both mentally and physically exhausting for the child. Families that show patterns of triangulation have emotional, and physiological, responses that tend to have difficulty differentiating when not to turn off than in families with better boundary maintenance (Buehler and Welsh 2009). Often parents will include the child in arguments forcing the child to choose a side. Franck and Buehler focused on triangulation that occurs when parents bring a child into an argument by using the child as a messenger or buffer between the parents; as a confidante or counselor about issues with the other parent, the child is forced to ally against the other parent during marital disputes. By allowing children to get involved in domestic disputes, not only is the child negatively affected, but the involvement is also detrimental to the marriage. Triangulation amplifies adolescences risk for disruptive behavior because this process impedes with numerous prospective strategies that have been found to shield youths from the potential harmful effects of marital hostility (Franck and Buehler 2007). Research shows that repeated exposure to parental conflict can affect a childs experience, expression and control of emotion (Fosco and Grych 2008). Children subjected to constant triangulation can experience major emotional tribulations as well. It was found through trauma theories that recurring exposure to affectively disturbing events undermines a childs ability to regulate his or her emotions (Fosco and Grych 2008). When a child is unable to regulate his or her emotions it becomes difficult for them to maintain control. With this information, it can be concluded that a child from an argumentative family may display a greater sensitivity to his or her parents conflicts (Fosco and Grych 2008). Children who are exposed to tumultuous relationships and constant triangulation by parents are not as thoroughly researched as other topics that have been researched that involve family conflict. Beuhler and Welsh (2009) stated Triangulation into parents disputes has received much less empirical attention than has verbal and physical interparental aggression; however, some evidence exists that triangulation places youth at risk for adjustment problems, particularly internalizing problems such as anxiety, depressive symptoms, and social withdrawal (2009). Triangulation does not just occur during an argument between parents with a child present. It also occurs long term when a child is made a confidante. Franck and Buehler (2007) found that when parents get upset they have a tendency to bring children into the argument by making them messengers between the parents. Triangulation can be caused by a number of different reasons. Martial conflict and depression have been named to be some of the main reasons triangulation occurs. Parents involved in domestic disputes have a tendency to want a witness to validate their argument. Counselors, friends, family members, and children have been known to get pulled in to the dispute. Scholars found data proving that parents that involve people in their domestic disputes may be depressed (Frank and Beuhler 2007). Parents feel validated when loved ones and friends side with them in the domestic dispute. Frank and Beuhler (2007), searched even deeper and found that a mothers depression is more closely related to internalizing disruptive behaviors in children than fathers. Frank and Beuhler (2007) felt that a fathers depression is more closely related to poor cognitive functioning in his children than internalizing problem behaviors. Studies show that triangulation affects both the parent and the childs relationships in a negative way. One of the mechanisms by which marital conflict becomes a risk factor is the triangulation of the child or adolescent into parental disputes such that youth feel caught in the middle and torn between divided loyalties (Buehler and Welsh 2009). During an argument, parents feel that their point is more validated if the child agrees with them. Unfortunately, the long term affects of adolescent affirmation during parental altercations are detrimental to the marital relationship. Although their involvement in a parental disagreement may be effective in deflecting attention from problems in the marriage, it may intensify the impact of parental conflict on childrens functioning by making them the target of parental anger or disrupting their relationship with one or both parents (Fosco and Grych 2008). Studies show that it is pertinent that the children be left out of parental conflict. It is clear that triangulation of adolescents also is harmful to adolescents in married families. Thus, clinicians and others who work with families need to assist parents with keeping marital problems within the martial dyad. Adolescent children need to be left out or blocked from parents marital issues; Parents need to improve their ability to cope with and handle the anxiety associated with martial conflict in ways that do not involve their children (Buehler and Welsh 2009). In addition to disrupting marital stability, triangulation can cause long term issues in the growth and development of the family. Fosco and Grych (2008) stated that when children perceive conflict as a threat to themselves or the family, they tend to worry about the stability of the family relationship. Running a family requires order, with no stability, there is no foundation; and with no foundation it tends to be less order. Parents should lead by example when teaching children. Often children mimic their parents and learn from observations. Parents who frequently resort to triangulation as a means of managing their disputes may be less prone to teaching or modeling adaptive conflict resolution to their children (Fosco And Grych 2008). Avoiding the involvement of children can be very difficult for some parents. Not only does triangulation temporarily diffuse marital arguments, but it can also allude to the vindication or validation of a parents actions. Fosco and Grych (2008) found information proving that triangulation could shape the impact of parental discord in children. When the child feels caught in the middle and observes that the attention of the argument is deflected from the parents and reverted to them, they may make a habit of involving themselves and marital disputes. If disruptive behavior is effective at distracting attention from marital problems, children may develop more stable patterns of acting out in stressful circumstances. Triangulation can occur both consciously and subconsciously. Unfortunately, if in the familial setting boundaries are not in place, detrimental repercussions can occur. Triangulation can occur in many different forms. Whether it includes the parent and child, grandparent and grandchild or siblings and parent, an unconstructive outcome is almost inevitable. The need to want to be right and acquire support is human nature and understandable. However, when you engage children in tumultuous relationships and put them in the middle of altercations, serious repercussions may occur for the child and adult. Rather than involving relatives and friends in conflict, it is important that families seek out counseling to secure the growth and stability of the family structure. Therapists can utilize a number of different techniques and or approaches to help families partaking in triangulation. Due to the difference of upbringing, social, cultural, and economic levels, it is best that the counselor incorporate an integrative approach to families who are involved in a triangulation conflict. An integrative approach incorporates all of all the approaches. It allows the therapist to utilize the best fitting approach for the client to obtain optimal results. Conflict is inevitable and felt to be manifest, but if familial conflict involves triangulation it is sure to end unconstructively.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay :: essays research papers

Unit 1: Narrative Essay Feeling complete with your own personal mental and physical standpoints is essential if you ever want a fulfilling relationship. Knowing your own ability to live vigilantly day to day, being gratified with the prospects of how you are living your life up untill this point. This is what determines wether your ready to take the step into entering a relationship. Every point in ones life is a learning experience. Treating past relationships as learning experiences help to better your understanding of what your really looking to gain out of future relationships. The following paragraphs discuss a story of my past. This story revolves around a relationship taking place at a negative point in my life. So my lesson to you is one I learned the hard way. Being happy with yourself is vital before attempting to by happy with someone else. To mentally set the scene for my story, I will give some background into my mental and physical standpoint. During the time of this story, I was under a lot of stress from various circumstances. I had just recently lost my job at Subway and had no source of income. Becouse I lost my job, I had no longer the money nor the resources to continue with athletic training. Taking the three months off from athletic training had a negative effect on my physical appearence. With a noticable loss of physical appearence, my self esteem began to drop slightily. So all together, threw one run of bad luck into another, i was spiraling down into a depression like state. It all started the first week of grade 10. I was walking to math class and i met up with a few of my lunch crew friends. I noticed my friend Ashlea talking to Erin Berring. Erin was an attractive, smart and fashonable girl. I always had a thing for smarties. In school she had straight A's, and was also the leader of the female wrestling team. I felt a little up on myself that day for some reason. I figured there was no better time then the present to chat it up a little. The conversation went quite well, which was different from what I expected. She even asked for my number so we could continue our talk later that night. "Why would she be interested in me?," I said to myself. After all, she seemed way out of my league.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Pain and Acupuncture in Eastern and Western Medicine Essay -- Acupunct

Pain and Acupuncture in Eastern and Western Medicine Acupuncture is an ancient medicinal art that has been practiced for thousands of years. Acupuncture today is mainly seen by Western medicine as a "new alternative" medicine (2). This basically means that while Western medicine acknowledges the value and positive medical research supporting acupuncture in many realms of medicine, for the most part it is not a practice that has been incorporated into 'modern' medical practices. One of the most consistently supported uses of acupuncture therapy is in pain treatment (14). Western medicine has often come up short when it comes to treatment of chronic pain. The dichotomy that is often suggested is that Western medicine is better at emergency situations and stabilizing patients in crisis, while Eastern medicine has more success with more long-term chronic issues such as pain (2). This difference mainly stems from the philosophy of both methods of practicing medicine. Eastern medicine, for the most part, is more interested in treating the wh ole person and finding the organic root of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms. While chronic pain is reaching epidemic proportions in Western society, few people are employing the benefits this type of medicine can bring. How does pain effect the nervous system? How does acupuncture help to alleviate this symptom? Is it possible to explain the effects of acupuncture through the language of Western medicine? Acupuncture Theory Acupuncture, very basically, is the insertion of very fine needles, sometimes in conjunction with electrical stimulus, on the body's surface, in order to influence physiological functioning of the body (1). At the basis of acupuncture, is the theory th... ...nism of Acupuncture http://www.acupuncture.com/Acup/Mech.htm 7)Neuronal Possibilities , Neuronal Diagram http://dubinserver.colorado.edu/prj/kcr/p07.html 8)Beyond Endorphins , Endorphins in Pain Mediation http://www.chiro.org/places/ABSTRACTS/Beyond_endorphins.shtml 9)Mechanism of Acupuncture: Beyond Neurohumoral Theory http://users.med.auth.gr/~karanik/english/articles/mechan.html 10)Dr. L. Soh , Beyond Endorphins in Acupuncture Analgesia http://www.ozacupuncture.com/drlsohs.htm 11)Pain Perception http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/ap/saladin/nervous/reading10.mhtml 12)Chronic Pain Solutions The Scientific Basis Of Acupuncture http://www.chronicpainsolutions.com/acupuncture.htm 13)Molecular Insights into the Problem of Pain http://www.painstudy.ru/pe3/molecular.htm 14)What We Know About Pain http://www.nidr.nih.gov/slavkin/pain.htm

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Benefits of Strong Literacy Skills Essay

?Dear Grace Literacy is crucial to the success of individuals in both their career aspirations and their quality of life. Strong literacy skills are closely linked to the probability of having a good job, decent earnings, and access to training opportunities. Individuals with weak literacy skills are more likely to be unemployed or, if employed, to be in jobs that pay little or that offer poor hours or working conditions. Traditionally, literacy has referred to the ability to read, understand, and use information. But the term has come to take on broader meaning, standing for a range of knowledge, skills and abilities relating to reading, mathematics, science and more. Subsequently in 1740 South Carolina if you taught a slave to write or employed him in a job requiring writing then the teacher or employer would be fined 100 pounds. The Virginia code of 1819 states that the teaching or assembly of any colored persons is unlawful and is punishable by any means deemed necessary by the court or judge. In 1830-1831 the state of North Carolina passed a law that prohibited the teachings of reading and writing to a slave. Alabama in 1833 enacted three laws that repressed slaves and people of color by not allowing them to be taught reading and writing as well as assembling more than five people of color. I have included this information to show how powerful and important knowledge is. Knowledge is so powerful that these people feared it so much that they felt the need to create these laws to protect themselves from what they thought would happen if slaves had the same power they had. Being able to read and write is the most basic foundation of knowledge accumulation and further skill development (source #4). Without literacy there can be no quality education. There is currently one out of five adults that are illiterate. If this trend continues then by 2015 over 700 million adults worldwide will not be literate. Children that participate in school for their first three grades should be able to read and write basic text. Evidence has shown that children with this ability are better prepared for further learning making them more apt to read and comprehend progressively more advanced materials along with acquiring additional knowledge. There is a poem called The Value of Books (source #3) and I think you should read it. This poem talks about the importance of reading and knowledge. The poem says how life is dead in the living world without knowledge. According to the poem the â€Å"light† of knowledge is shining down on the readers and how books are â€Å"the ultimate weapon† in our everyday battles. He who neglects books is undefended in a world of knowledge. We must use as much time as possible to enlighten our brains with the knowledge of the world for time has no master and waits for no one and time is waning. In conclusion I hope you are able to take something away from this. Take advantage of the opportunities you have that others do not like the slaves that were repressed and punished for learning. Stay on top of your studies as to help yourself and others contribute to the world the knowledge you have obtained. Never neglect knowledge for any reason for it is the best weapon you have to defend yourself against the world. Always remember that time has no master and waits for no one not even you so take every moment you have to better yourself and others just remember that time is running out.

Questions Regarding Darwin’s Theory Essay

Darwin’s theory of natural selection is revolutionary and he himself is aware of the many difficulties that critiques might throw at him. In his book, â€Å"The Origin of the Species,† he explored these difficulties beginning with the question as to why there are often no intermediate or middle forms between species that are closely related. His answer to this is that the tough competition in nature combined with the small number of intermediate forms often led to their extinction. Only the well-adapted species survive in the wild, and so intermediate forms that don’t have the most adaptive characteristics are easily wiped out from nature. One of the key ideas in Darwin’s theory is that adaptive characteristics in animals are formed through time by numerous tiny modifications. He then posed the question whether it is possible for an animal to acquire certain characteristics that don’t fit its requirements for adaptation. He cited the fact that in most cases, animals have intermediate features that are adaptive to their needs. Thus, for example, flying squirrels may have evolved from simple squirrels and bats may have evolved from flying lemurs (Wichler, 1961, p. 35). There are also invertebrates with very simple eyes that consist of nothing more than pigment-coated optic nerves. Animals with more complex eye structures could have evolved from these creatures with very simple eyes. Darwin stated that his theory could be debunked if it could be illustrated that there are complex organs in nature that did not develop through numerous slight modifications through time (Wichler, 1961, p. 55). He concluded that since he couldn’t find such a case in nature, then his theory still was still true. Evolution does not only manifest in the physical characteristics of organisms, but also in their behavior. Darwin addressed the question of the development of complex behavior by discussing the behaviors of slave-making ants and honey bees that construct hexagonal cells in their hives. He explained that there is a wide range of patterns of behavior among different species. Ants that depend on slavery to survive may have evolved from ants that don’t need such behavior to exist. Similarly, honey bees that make hexagonal cells in their hives may have evolved from honey bees that make circular cells in their hives to reduce the use of wax. He concluded that the behaviors or instincts of organisms are not specially created, but rather result from the process of natural selection where, in a population with varied behaviors, only the fittest survive and the unfit, perish (Wichler, 1961, p. 60). During Darwin’s time, the primary belief is that hybridization is not possible because species have features that prevented fertile and viable hybrids from existing, which preserved the separation of species. Darwin argued that this was not the case, and that the difficulty of producing fertile and viable hybrids differed from one species to another, especially among plant species. There are cases where what were believed to be completely different species resulted in fertile viable hybrids, and cases where organisms that were believed to be varieties under the same species couldn’t easily produce hybrids. Darwin concluded that his theory of natural selection supported the idea that there are no fundamental differences between varieties and species (Arthur, 1987, p. 12). Supporting Research on Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Since Darwin’s time, a lot of progress has been made regarding his theory of evolution through natural selection. Today, biologists all over the world have synthesized the developments that were made for many years, resulting in the new synthesis of evolutionary theory. This synthesis draws ideas from the many branches of the discipline of biology, namely: paleontology, ecology, morphology, botany, systematics, cytology, and genetics (Arthur, 1987, p. 9). The new synthesis became possible because of the introduction of a reliable model of heredity, and the reconciliation of this model with models of natural selection emphasizing gradual evolutionary modifications through time. Scientists accepted many facets of Darwin’s theory and rejected some. Thinkers like August Weismann and Alfred Russel Wallace advocated neo-Darwinism which heavily emphasizes natural selection as a tool of evolution. They rejected Darwin’s claim that acquired characteristics also play a part in evolution. Today, the core concept of neo-Darwinism is understood as natural selection driving evolution with variations generated by recombination and genetic mutation (Arthur, 1987, p. 32). The search for a reliable model of heredity consistent with Darwin’s theory of natural selection led to a long debate by proponents of two schools of though: Mendelism and biometrics. Mendelians believed in Gregor Mendel’s research which was previously conceived to be incompatible with Darwin’s theory of natural selection. They believed that Mendel’s conclusions are compatible with saltationism however, which demonstrated evolution through jumps or big mutations. Karl Pearson and other biometrics opposed the Mendelians claiming empirical evidence pointed to the fact that variation was evidently continuous and not discrete in many organisms. Thus, Mendelism couldn’t be combined with Darwin’s theory during that time, and the Mendelians and biometricians debated hotly for about 20 years (Arthur, 1987, p. 40). Synthesis between Mendel’s and Darwin’s work only became possible through research conducted by RA Fisher, Sewall Wright and JBS Haldane. Fisher demonstrated how continuous variation observed by biometricians could result from the actions of several different genetic loci. Through this research, Fisher was able to establish that contrary to popular thinking, Mendelian genetics was consistent with Darwin’s idea of evolution through natural selection. JBS Haldane supported Fisher’s work by applying mathematical analyses to instances of natural selection in the real world. Haldane concluded that natural selection may work at a faster rate in the real world than Fisher assumed. Sewall Wright’s work further facilitated the synthesis of evolutionary theory by demonstrating genetic drift through the interactions of genetic combinations and inbreeding in small isolated populations (Gould, 1979, p. 20). Work on evolution by field naturalists and population geneticists was synthesized by Theodosius Dobzhansky. In his work, Dobhansky showed that populations in the real world had more genetic variations than many population geneticists assumed. Dobzhansky demonstrated that Darwin’s natural selection maintained genetic diversity in the population and drove changes in the forms of species (Gould, 1979, p. 25). Dobzhansky’s work was complemented by another researcher, Edmund Brisco Ford. Modern ecological genetics draws heavily from Ford’s work that showed how natural selection worked in nature. Ford studied populations of wild moths and butterflies in nature, which verified Fisher’s predictions. Ford was also the first to define and describe genetic polymorphism and its role in human populations to provide protection against diseases (Williams, 2001, p. 45). The correlation between variations in different populations and environmental factors like climate was first established by Bernhard Rensch, a German biologist. Rensch’s work influenced Ernst Mayr who emphasized the significance of the geographical isolation of sub-populations in evolution (Williams, 2001, p. 50). The modern or new synthesis of evolutionary theory was further explored by George Gaylord Simpson who showed that paleontology was compatible with evolution. Simpson’s research was crucial because at that time, many paleontologists disagreed that natural selection was the driving force of evolution. Simpson explained how fossil records were consistent with the synthesized theory of evolution which depicted evolution as having irregular branches, instead of linear. Research on natural selection did not only focus on animals through the years. G Ledyard Stebbins, a botanist, contributed to the new synthesis by showing hybridization’s effects in some types of plants. After the many advances made in the 1930s and 1940s, the new evolutionary synthesis was refined even further by the works of John Maynard Smith, George C. Williams, and WD Hamilton. These scientists took Darwin’s ideas and refocused them to a view of evolution that concentrated on the genetic level. Today, the new synthesis, with Darwin’s discovery of natural selection at its core, encompasses other scientific fields and concepts such as genetics and DNA. New discoveries like these allow Darwin’s concepts to be analyzed mathematically, producing vital information on selection, speciation, and altruism. Darwin’s theory is continuously being reviewed by evolutionary biologists today. One interpretation of the theory is by Richard Dawkins who asserted that the only real unit of selection is the gene. Dawkins also applied Darwin’s idea of the survival of the fittest to realms outside biology. For instance, he utilized the concept of natural selection to analyze cultural memes. Scientists and experts from different fields are continuously reviewing Darwin’s theory to explore its usefulness to biology and other disciplines. Conclusion Charles Darwin’s seminal work on evolution through natural selection is very important in understanding how species attained their physical forms and specialized behaviors in nature. It debunked the belief that the forms of species are constant because they are reflections in the mind of god. Instead, Darwin showed that species are forever changing through tiny modifications in their physical aspects and behavior through time. Darwin was also the first to explore the fact that there are no significant differences between variations and species. While many thinkers of the time believed that different species cannot produce hybrids because they have characteristics that prevented them from doing so, Darwin showed how the difficulty of hybridization differed from one species to another. Thus, the tiny differences in the forms and behaviors of organisms are the essential driving force of evolution. Darwin’s theory was not solid however because of the lack of a reliable model of genetics to aide his observations. For this reason, Darwin accepted Lamarck’s view that acquired characteristics can also drive evolution. Darwin thought that the use and disuse of animals of their certain parts had effects on the evolution of a particular species. This flaw however, did not discredit Darwin’s more important observations on how natural selection drives evolution. The theory of natural selection is also important in understanding variations in organisms that exist today. Darwin was able to demonstrate how one species could have evolved from another to adapt to their environment. For instance, flying squirrels may have evolved from simple squirrels to get the food that they need to survive more easily. Complex structures of organs, such as a human’s hand, for instance, could have developed from the simple hands of a creature which other primates share ancestry with. Today, the concept of the survival of the fittest is not only important in the field of evolutionary biology but also in other disciplines, such as social theory and economics. Scientists today are continuously exploring Darwin’s ideas to develop more sound concepts. These concepts should be helpful in understanding how nature works and how humans might respond to its mechanisms. Humans can base agricultural and conservation practices on the many facets of Darwin’s theory to produce useful results in the real world. Evolution today is continuously happening and Darwin’s theory is a vital scientific tool to understand this process and apply it to real-world problems. References Arthur, W. (1987). Theories of Life: Darwin, Mendel, and Beyond. London: Penguin Books. Cuvier, G., et al. (2003). The Evolution Debate, 1813-1870. London: Routledge. Darwin, C. , et al. (1996). On evolution: the development of the theory of natural selection. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. Endler, J. & A. Endler . (1986). Natural Selection in the Wild. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Gould, S. J. (1979). Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History. New York: Norton Wichler, G.. (1961). Charles Darwin: the founder of the theory of evolution and natural selection. London: Pergamon Press. Williams, G. C. (2001). Adaptation and Natural Selection. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.