
Monday, March 18, 2019

Biblical Allusions and Imagery in Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath :: Grapes Wrath essays

biblical Allusions and Imagery in Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath          John Steinbeck ever makes it a point to know about his subjectsfirst hand.  His stories always constitute some factual basis behind them.Otherwise, he does not entrust that they will be of any value beyondartistic impression.  Therefore, nearly of his novels take place inCalifornia, the site of his birth and young manners.  In preparation forwriting his novels, Steinbeck would often travel with people about whom hewas going to write.  The Grapes of Wrath was no exception to his otherworks.  To prepargon for it, he joined migrants in Oklahoma and rode withthem to California.  When he got to California, he lived with them, joiningthem in their quest for work.  By publishing these experiences and trialsof the migrants he achieved an effect that won him the Nobel hold forliterature in 1962. The writing of The Grapes of Wrath coincided with theG reat Depression.  This time of hard knocks and struggle for the rest ofAmerica gave Steinbeck inspiration for his work.  Other peoples stories ofeveryday life became issues for Steinbeck.  His writings spoke out against those whokept the oppressed in scantiness and therefore was branded as a Communistbecause of his voice.  Although, it did become a bestseller and receivecountless awards, his book was banned in many schools and libraries.However, critics neer attacked The Grapes of Wrath on the artistic leveland they still consider it a beautifully mastered work of art.  More thanany other American novel, it successfully embodies a contemporary socialproblem of national place setting in an artistically viable expression.1   In TheGrapes of Wrath, Steinbeck utilizes Biblical imagery and allusions to bedeck the struggle of the Joad family as a direct parallel with thatof the Hebrew people.         Steinbeck bolsters the f orce-out of structure and characterdevelopment in the book through Biblical allusions and imagery.  PeterLisca has noted that the novel reflects the three-part division of the OldTestament hejira account which includes captivity, journey, and thepromised land.2  The Joads story is a direct parallel with that of theHebrews.  Just as the Hebrews were captives of the Pharaoh, the Joads arecaptives of their farm.  Both make long and arduous journeys until theyreach their promised land.  Israel is the final destination for the Hebrewsand California plays the same role for the Joads.  Hunter mentions severalof the parallels in the novel. When the Joads embark on their journey,there are twelve members which corresponds to the twelve tribes of Israelwho are leaving the old order behind.

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