
Friday, March 8, 2019

Pipeline Hydraulics Design Basis Engineering Essay

It admits the organ shout out and settle features of the transported liquid under specified operating conditions as effected in the spirit animal footing.SpeedThe grape vine has to be dictated for the distance of 770km in the midst of Portland and Montreal, the peregrine in the pipe is Light Crude Oil.Speed of hunt in a grapevine is the mean focal proportion based on the pipe diam and liquid run order. Its choice is first placard in the scheming process of our undertaking. The precipitate whet provide chip in both advantages and drawbacks. High vivifys john do turbulency, and the contact of the fluid on the walls of the pipe which de persona do harm to the pipes and finally gnaw absent the pipe, while low speed on the other manus empennage do the deposition of particulates in the argument and cleanliness of the fluid volition be compromised. Therefore, to avoid these problemsliquid lines are usually surfaced to keep a speed sufficient to maintain the sol id atoms from lodging and besides to forestall the corroding of the pipe. Under these considerations the recommended speed is in the scope of 3ft/s to 8ft/s.From this selected scope of speed we have to choose a soulfulness speed. The speed we have selected for our line is 5ft/s. This is the intermediate speed from the recommended scope and all the farther reckonings will be d one on this speed.Velocity SelectionThe scope as mentioned above is taken every(prenominal) bit 3ft/s to 5ft/s. The following measure is to choose a individual speed from this scope. We have selected 5ft/s for our line. The ground for this speed choice is the tradeoff between pipe diam and innovation of pump Stationss. Harmonizing to pertinacity compare if we increase the speed, the corresponding diameter will cut down provided the repulse per unit demesne detriment will increase collectable to which a higher paradigm of pump Stationss are required. Similarly if we slack the speed, the figure of pump Stationss will cut down scarce the diameter will increase for a given(p) fuse rate. Since the grapevine is laid over a long distance, the grapevine cost holds the major office of the capital investing hence increasing the diameter will adversely impact the economic sciences of grapevine. This tradeoff is seeable in the computations shown in accompaniment A.The other ground for taking this speed is that if the blend rate fluctuates in the hereafter for any ground the diameter selected from this intermediate speed will be able to suit those fluctuations without impacting our system.Diameter CalculationCalculation of the diameter is the nucleus of the hydraulic designing.The diameter selected should be able to back up the emphasiss on the pipe, the capacity of the fluid and minimise the force per unit stadium losingss.Under given flow rate and false speeds, we send packing calculate the pipe diameter utilizing continuity compareV=Q/AVolt persist speedQ Volume flow rateA Cross sectional countryThe flow rate is given as 109,000bbl/day or 7.1ft3/s. The diameters are figure at 3, 4, 5ft/s speeds and the several diameters are 20.83 , 18.04 and 16.14 .Choice of DiameterAs mentioned above 5ft/s is selected as the recommended speed and the corresponding national diameter ( ID ) is 16.14in.Nominal call SizeFor the versed diameter later on we have to cipher the nominal pipe size. To cipher the nominal diameter we refer to the Pipe Data provided for the Carbon Steel. From the tabular array shown in adjunct B, it is found out that attendant nominal pipe size will be 18in.Features of menstruationDifferent flow belongingss are mensurable to find the regimen of flow, losingss in the pipes.The nature of the flow can be laminal or stung.There are two graphic symbols of the losingss. Major losingss include the losingss due to coming upon in attendant pipes and fry losingss due to decompression sicknesss, valves, tees.To cipher these we will be co vering with Reynolds figure ( for nature of flow ) , false diagram ( for hit ingredient ) and head damage computations.LosingssAs the fluid flows finished and through the pipe in that location is collapse at the pipe wall and crank interface in the consecutive parts of the pipe due to interference between the fluid and the walls of the pipe. This face-off consequences in consequences in the loss of energy in the lineat the expense of liquid force per unit area and the losingss are known as the major losingss.Pipe systems consist of constituents in add-on to consecutive pipes. These include decompression sicknesss, valves, tees etc and add farther to the losingss in the line. These losingss are termed as tike losses.Experimental information is used to cipher these losingss as the theoretical anticipation is complex.Major LosingssThe force per unit area drop cloth due to clash in a grapevine depends on the flow rate, pipe diameter, pipe harshness, liquid particularised gra vitation, and viscousness. In add-on, the frictional force per unit area pearl depends on the Reynolds figure ( and therefore the flow government ) . Therefore, the fluid in the grapevine will undergo force per unit area losingss as it runs in the line and cut down the operating force per unit area. This loss needs to be recovered and to keep the force per unit area pumps are installed at circumstantial locations harmonizing to the demand ( pumps are discussed in Chapter in front ) . These force per unit area losingss are reckon by utilizing the Darcy-Weisbach expressiona?P = form Fahrenheit(postnominal)(postnominal) ( L/D ) ( V2/2 ) I?Where,f=Darcy clash part, dimensionless, normally a figure between 0.008 and 0.10L=Pipe length, footD=Pipe inner diameter, footThe force per unit area loss for speed of 5ft/s comes out to be 9625.15 pounds per square inch. All the relevant computations are shown in appendix A.Minor LosingssReal grapevine systems bear-sizedly consist of more than consecutive pipes. The extra constituents ( valves, tees and decompression sicknesss ) add to the overall loss of the system. These are termed as tike losingss. In instance of really long pipes, these losingss are normally undistinguished incomparison to theA unstable clash in the length considered. But in caseA of compact pipes, these minor losingss whitethorn really be major losingss such as inA suck pipe of a pumpwith strainer and pes valves.These losingss represent extra energy waste material in the flow, normally caused by secondary flows induced by curve ball or recirculation.Minor loss in diverging flow is oft larger than thatA in meeting flow. Minor lossesgenerally increase with an addition in the geometric deformation of the flow. Thoughminor losingss are normally confined to a veryA short length of way, the effects mayA notdisappear for a considerable distance downstream. ItA is undistinguished in instance ofA laminar flow.The force per unit area bead through valves and adjustments is generallyexpressed in footings of the liquid kinetic energy V2/2g multiplied by a head loss coefficient K. Comparing this with the Darcy-Weisbach equation for promontory loss in a pipe, we can see the undermentioned analogy. For a consecutive pipe, the read/write head loss H is V2/2g multiplied by the factor ( fL/D ) . Therefore, the straits loss coefficient for a consecutive pipe is fL/D.Therefore, the force per unit area bead in a valve or adjustment is calculated as followsh=K ( V2 ) /2gWhere,h=Head loss due to valve or suiting, footK=Head loss coefficient for the valve or adjustment, dimensionlessV=Velocity of liquid through valve or adjustment, ft/sg=Acceleration due to gravitation, 32.2 ft/s2 in English unitsThe caput loss coefficient K is, for a given flow geometry, considered practically abiding at high Reynolds figure. K increases with pipe raggedness and with lower Reynolds Numberss. In general the value of K is determined chiefly by the flow geomet ry or by the form of the pressureloss device.Minor loss is by and large expressed in one ofA the two waysIn footings of minor loss factor K.In footings length, tantamount to aA certain length of consecutive pipe, usuallyexpressed in footings of figure of pipe diameter.The minor losingss for our system are calculated and consequence in a really low value and can easy be neglected.Reynolds NumberFlow in a liquid grapevine may be silent, laminar flow, besides known as syrupy or streamline flow. In this type of flow the liquid flows in beds or laminations without doing Eddies or turbulency. But as the speed increases the flow alterations from laminar to churning with Eddies and turbulencies. The of import parametric quantity used in sorting the type of flow in the pipe is called Reynolds Number.Reynolds figure gives us the ratio of inertial forces to syrupy forces and is used to find the nature of flow utilizing the recommended speed and the internal diameter. Reynolds figure is given byRe = I?VD/AFlow through pipes is classified into three chief flow governments and depending upon the Reynolds figure, flow through pipes will fall in one of the undermentioned three flow governments.1. laminar flow R & lt 20002. Critical flow R & gt 2000 and R & lt 40003. degenerate flow R & gt 4000Friction FactorFriction Factor is a dimensionless figure required to cipher the force per unit area losingss in the pipe. Trials have shown that degree Fahrenheit is dependent upon Reynolds figure and comparative degree raggedness of the pipe. Relative raggedness is ratio of absolute pipe wall raggedness I to the pipe diameter D.For laminar flow, with Reynolds figure R & lt 2000, the Darcy clash factor degree Fahrenheit is calculated from the simple relationshipf=64/RFor laminar flow the clash factor depends merely on the Reynolds figure and is independent of the internal status of the pipe. Therefore, disregardless of whether the pipe is smooth or unsmooth, the clash factor for laminar flow is a figure that varies reciprocally with the Reynolds figure.For turbulent flow, when the Reynolds figure R & gt 4000, the clash factor degree Fahrenheit depends non merely on R but besides on the internal raggedness of the pipe. As the pipe raggedness additions, so does the clash factor. Therefore, smooth pipes have a smaller clash factor compared with unsmooth pipes. More significantly, clash factor depends on the comparative raggedness ( I/D ) instead than the absolute pipe raggedness I .In the roiled part it can be calculated utilizing either the Colebrook-White equation or the rancid Diagram.Colebrook-White EquationThe Colebrook equation is an inexplicit equation that combines experimental consequences of surveies of turbulent flow in smooth and unsmooth pipe The Colebrook equation is given as1/a?sf = -2log ( ( I/3.7D ) + ( 2.51/Rea?sf ) )But the turbulent flow part ( R & gt 4000 ) consists of three separate parts churning flow in smooth pipesTurbulent flow i n to the to the full unsmooth pipesPassage flow between smooth and unsmooth pipesFor fast flow in smooth pipes, pipe raggedness has a negligible consequence on the clash factor. Therefore, the clash factor in this part depends merely on the Reynolds figure as follows1/a?sf = -2log ( 2.51/Rea?sf )For disruptive flow in to the full unsmooth pipes, the clash factor degree Fahrenheit appears to be less dependent on the Reynolds figure as the latter additions in magnitude. It depends merely on the pipe raggedness and diameter. It can be calculated from the undermentioned equation1/a?sf = -2log ( ( I/3.7D )For the passage part between turbulent flow in smooth pipes and turbulent flow in to the full unsmooth pipes, the clash factor degree Fahrenheit is calculated utilizing the Colebrook-White equation given above1/a?sf = -2log ( ( I/3.7D ) + ( 2.51/Rea?sf ) )Moody DiagramThe Colebrook equation is an inexplicit equation and requires test and wrongdoing method to cipher f.To provide the easiness for ciphering f scientists and research workers unquestionable a graphical method known as Moody diagram.The Moody chart or Moody diagramis a graph that relates the clash factor, Reynolds figure and comparative raggedness for to the full developed flow in a round pipe.In the diagram clash factor is plan poetries Reynolds figure. The curves are plotted utilizing the experimental information. The Moody diagram represents the complete clash factor map for laminar and all disruptive parts of pipe flows.To utilize the Moody diagram for finding the clash factor degree Fahrenheit we for the first time calculate the Reynolds figure R for the flow. Following, we find the location on the flat axis of Reynolds figure for the value of R and pull a orthogonal line that intersects with the appropriate comparative raggedness ( e/D ) curve. From this guide of intersection on the ( e/D ) curve, we read the value of the clash factor degree Fahrenheit on the perpendicular axis on the l eft.Other Pressure Drop RelationsHazen-Williams EquationThe Hazen-Williams equation is normally used in the design of waterdistribution lines and in the computation of frictional force per unit area bead inrefined crude oil merchandises such as gasolene and Diesel. This methodinvolves the usage of the Hazen-Williams C-factor or else of pipe roughnessor liquid viscousness. The force per unit area bead computation utilizing the Hazen-Williams equation takes into history flow rate, pipe diameter, and specificgravity as followsh=4.73L ( Q/C ) 1.852/D4.87Where,h=Head loss due to clash, footL=Pipe length, footD=Pipe internal diameter, footQ=Flow rate, ft3/sC=Hazen-Williams coefficient or C-factor, dimensionlessIn customary grapevine units, the Hazen-Williams equation can berewritten as follows in English unitsQ=0.1482 ( C ) ( D ) 2.63 ( Pm/Sg ) 0.54Where,Q=Flow rate, bbl/dayD=Pipe internal diameter, in.Pm=frictional force per unit area bead, psi/mileSg= limpid specific gravitationAnother signifier of Hazen-Williams equation, when the flow rate is in congius/ min and caput loss is measured in pess of liquid per mebibyte pess of pipe is as followsGPM=6.7547A-10-3 ( C ) ( D ) 2.63 ( HL ) 0.54Where,GPM=Flow rate, congius/minHL=Friction loss, foot of liquid per 1000 foot of pipeIn SI units, the Hazen-Williams equation is as followsQ=9.0379A-10-8 ( C ) ( D ) 2.63 ( Pkm/Sg ) 0.54Where,Q=Flow rate, m3/hrD=Pipe internal diameter, millimeterPkm=frictional force per unit area bead, kPa/kmSg=Liquid specific gravitationShell-MIT EquationThe Shell-MIT equation, sometimes called the MIT equation, is used in the computation of force per unit area bead in heavy petroleum oil and heated liquid grapevines. use this method, a modified Reynolds figure Rm iscalculated foremost from the Reynolds figure as followsR=92.24 ( Q ) / ( DI? )Rm=R/ ( 7742 )Where,R=Reynolds figure, dimensionlessRm=Modified Reynolds figure, dimensionlessQ=Flow rate, bbl/dayD=Pipe internal diameter, in.I?=Kinem atic viscousness, Central TimeThan depending on the flow ( laminal or turbulent ) , the clash factor is calculated from one of the undermentioned equationsf=0.00207/Rm ( laminal flow )f=0.0018+0.00662 ( 1/Rm ) 0.355 ( disruptive flow )Finally, the force per unit area bead due to clash is calculated utilizing theequationPm=0.241 ( f SgQ2 ) /D5Where,Pm=frictional force per unit area bead, psi/milef=Friction factor, dimensionlessSg=Liquid specific gravitationQ=Flow rate, bbl/dayD=Pipe internal diameter, in.In SI units the MIT equation is expressed as followsPm=6.2191A-1010 ( f SgQ2 ) /D5Where,Pm=Frictional force per unit area bead, kPa/kmf=Friction factor, dimensionlessSg=Liquid specific gravitationQ=Flow rate, m3/hrD=Pipe internal diameter, millimeter

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