
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Anabolic Steroids :: essays research papers fc

In todays modern long time muscle add ons have become the answer for many young tribe to develop the body which they want to achieve. Younger users atomic number 18 taking supplements without mentation some the consequences that go along with taking them. Young athletes are choosing to grease ones palms muscle substances that they know nothing intimately. To get to the solutions on how to fix the supplement problem among young athletes, it is most important that we educate both the athletes, and their parents about the risks involved with taking muscle supplements.It is vitally important to understand what the supplements are and why athletes take them. Creatine is an amino acid that is produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and it helps muscles replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which fuels muscle contraction (Balsom). Creatine was made famous by the study League Baseball player Mark Maguire, who openly shared with the universe his daily use of Creatine. Mark Maguire broke the record for homeruns hit in a season, and since then Creatine has become the most widely apply supplement out on the market. No one is sure about the long term side effects of Creatine. both(prenominal) scientists believe that when world used by young athletes it may stunt the growth of the adolescent. Some of the short term side effects include cramps, especially in the legs, and upset stomach. I used Creatine when I was 16 eld old, and built up an extra 15 pounds of muscle while on the supplement. My main sport was soccer, and the extra muscle was great and helped me tremendously at first. Then problems started occurring in the lower half of my body. My legs would cramp while I was in the middle of a game, which had never happened to me before. It was then that I realize that Creatine was ca apply the cramps. Soccer requires a large amount of running, and with perpetual leg cramps I was unable to perform at the level I needed, so I stopped using the suppleme nt. Within two weeks I had lost the extra 15 pounds, which was disappointing, but I was cramp trim in the legs, which was a relief. Several of my friends who played football were also using Creatine, but the sport they played required less running, and more muscle. therefrom the supplement aided them in becoming better football players. The delineate to using supplements lies in the results you want to achieve, and the risks you are willing to take.

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